Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Reservation

   This blog today is about reservations all around the world. The definition of a reservation is the act of reserving something, such as land for Native Americans. The book this blog is based off of is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. He writes the book based off a Native American, leaving his friends and family behind to join a white school, in a white town, all for search of hope. He learns that life has it's ups and downs, but he conquers them. He moves to a town where discrimination is common, especially against Native Americans. But, the character makes his way to the top, making new friends and meeting new people. He loses friends, he gains some friends, and some of the people he loved and cared for died, leaving him with one less person to care for, one less person to give him hope.
   Reservations. Many people may not know about how many Native Americans are living these days. They live in land set aside just for them, where there is no hope left on the reservation, and the same generations stay there for years to come. They stay in their own little group, cut off from the outside world, living in impoverished conditions, where people use alcohol to get through their day.
   If I were to live in a reservation, I simply do not know if I could make it through my life. But, my own little area where it is all reserved for me is my room. I only leave when forced to, and when I have completed what I was forced out to do, I just go right back in. I lock myself out from my family, my sibling, my friends. Because of my decisions, people do not understand what I am and who I really am. I play games as an effort to escape harsh reality, much like the Native Americans drinking alcohol to avoid reality. I oppress how I really feel, and I never let anyone know what is running through my mind, what I am thinking of. People do not really understand me for who I am. I cannot trust many people, and anyone who tries to connect with me, I just push them away. I am isolated from the rest of the world, much like reservations. People like me are all in one group, and we are all similar. We are all isolated from the rest of the world, alone forever. People think I WANT to be alone, to be reserved. But I really don't. No one really does want to be alone. Everyone wants someone to talk to, someone to discuss feelings with. But I cannot find a person that understands me, a person who knows about me, a person who cares about me. No one cares. I'm just a tiny speck in the world, which is an even smaller speck of the galaxy, which is an even smaller speck of the universe. Nothing is really significant...

Yep I think this is probably my best one yet. :D


  1. First, thought's as I read this were- please don't think I'm stalking, please don't think I stalking, please don't think I'm stalking.

    Second, I just finished all my homework and I have a computer and about 2 hrs left to use it so I was checking out stuff and and last on my agenda was whats new with my uncle, friends and acquaintances, I found this threw a post that was on your page.

    Third, I was on the edge of crying about half way threw reading this,I am part M'ikmaq native american indian (ok technically canadian indian) and I had been in a depression for 2 years, my sanctuary was my bed and my books, at the end of the second year I couldn't stand anymore of anything,(yes life included) but truth be told I could never intentionally hurt someone physically, including myself. So I figured out how to avoid people that emotionally hurt me and as I did I became detached to people.
    Things have gotten better tho, and I now know how to start up a reasonable convo, and to treasure human interaction. Threw the internet I did get to let things out every now and then, plus I now love my life and I don't ever want to let go of it.

    God bless and goodnight.

    1. Don't let go. Never let go. EVERY single life is precious, and I'm happy that you love your life and that you don't want to let go of it. Life can get hard sometimes, but hey hey, it all gets better eventually right? Life is beautiful, don't EVER forget that.
