Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero...or Stooge?

     Personally, I think that he can be considered both, depending on how you see it. He can be a hero because he wants the truth, as the same for almost all heroes. Then there's the part where he wants Mary Warren to confess and show the court officials that the whole hysteria is nonsense, that no one was seen with the devil and no one should have been accused of witchcraft. He is a hero for trying to save others and prevent the finger from being pointed at another innocent person. He may also be seen as a hero because he is a highly respected member of society and doesn't want his good name ruined by some nonsense, which I guess can also be seen as him being a stooge, bending to others' will and throwing away his life with the desire to not lose his title.
     He is a stooge by bending to others' will and being generally weak. He is a farmer, whose primary responsibilities are to serve the society by bringing it food, which may be explain how he got his high title. He had also done the work others don't want to do by trying to get the truth out of the girls, and trying to show the town that the hysteria is nonsense.
     These are my opinions about John Proctor, how he can be seen as both a hero and a stooge. Hero by attempting to expose the truth, but a stooge for the same reason as well. Then, there is him showing the hysteria is nonsense, which can be related to both as well. All show evidence of John Proctor: Hero...or Stooge?


  1. Well, how do you see him, a Hero or Stooge? That was the question asked to you.

    1. I was kinda torn between both. I chose both of them, depending on the different aspects and stuffz.
