Saturday, June 20, 2015

Story #2

This one is going to be just one sentence:
Blood doesn't wash out as easily as I remember.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Poem #1

A Lost Cause

A wandering soul, forever alone,
Wandering the plains looking for love.
A feeling that he has always known.

He tries to moan, only crones and groans,
Love is something he is void of.
A wandering soul, forever alone.

From land to land he has flown,
Flying and flying like a majestic dove.
A feeling that he has always known.

He used to sit upon a golden throne,
But that he had to let go of.
A wandering soul, forever alone.

No one to hold holds him down like a stone,
Love is a trick, many undeserving of.
A feeling that he has always known.

He was killed by his lover, wedging a knife into his bone,
Love is a lie, it does not fit like a glove.
A wandering soul, forever alone.
A feeling that he has always known.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Story #1

You know, sometimes I wonder why I do what I do. Why I close my doors late at night, why I can't sleep, why I shut my curtains shut. I wonder and wonder. I think about my life and shut out the darkness inside and the faces staring at me through the windows. Is that why I shut the curtains? I lie in bed with anxiety, staring at the twisted smile of a cruel murderer outside my door. Is that why I close my door? Sometimes, I don't know. It gets very confusing sometimes, and I hate it when I peek out from beneath the covers to hear a cold and shuddering voice. "Oh there you are. I've been looking for you"


I don't know if anyone still follows this
But if you do
I will be typing in some sort of strange story every now and then when I have time
They're probably going to be one sentence, maybe even more! In fact some are going to be an actually story, while for others, a sentence is the story itself. 
DISCLAIMER: I am not the author of all of these stories. I will write some of them, but I they will not all necessarily be mine.
In fact some weeks, I might even type in a poem and I will write down the author's name. 
Some of these may be scary, sad, or happy. It all depends on how you see it, how it makes YOU feel. 
When it happens to be a poem, I will type in "Poem #___"
Other wise it will most likely be "Story #___"
Oh and never forget
If there is something I should change or something that I could make better, please please PLEASE insert it into the comments below